Monday, August 15, 2011

New to blogging...

Well, here I am... didn't think I'd ever be a blogger but sometimes you want an outlet to get your feelings out. Can't say how often I will write on here but will try to everyday. I don't even know where to start; today has been a fairly good day. I was able to talk to my brother and sis-in-law that lives in Jacksonville tonight and it just reminded me of how much I really do miss my brother. We've always been close and never been apart for long periods of time but I guess that's just a part of life..... you grow up and go your seperate ways. I have my hubby here and that's really all I need.

~ Still looking for a job... so far no luck. Sometimes I think it'd be easier if we lived somewhere else, the town I live in is pretty much a dead end when it comes to jobs. It's a small town so not many places to choose from. Hoping to find something soon though...tired of depending on others.